Free Agents Crew

2018 Impromptu Inkheads Reunion Austin, TX

Few writers have made a more successful transition into the Fine Art world than Ease.Crew members News, Edec, Dekay, WizArt, and Faz headed to Austin for the unveiling of Ease’s impressive mural in the University Of Austin’s School Of Business Building. While there we heard about Austin’s Graffiti Park which in all reality is a whack spot for non writers to pretend they’re doing Graff. The crowds were ridiculous, and people would literally attempt to catch tags on your shit while you work on it. Irregardless, we rocked a quick little Edec x DK x News, as well as throw ups and tags everywhere that we could. Yes, it’s a whack spot, but this trio had not painted together since about ’95, and we had a blast.

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